Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Weekend in Krakow

** The first picture is free toilets at the salt mine (very exciting, usually they charge)/ the beet root soup I ate/Wawel castle/ crazy storm rolling in at the train station**
Wow! What a weekend! We left at about noon to catch the train to Krakow on Friday. The train ride was about 3 hrs. long. We sat in cabins w/ 6 seats and my cabin was just people from out group. Krakow is a very neat town and so different from Warsaw. It is much smaller to begin with and everything is a lot older because it was not destroyed during the war like Warsaw was. The newest buildings are probably from the 1950's and really good examples of socialist realism architecture with extremely large statues of "the worker." The hotel/dorm we stayed in was really nice and recently renevated.
When we got there we went down to old towne and ate super on the sqaure. I had this delicious fried spinach pancakes which is becoming one of my favorite dishes in Poland. On Friday night we went to a dance club. It was strange because all of these clubs were underground in extremely old cellars or basements. Saturday I went just outside of Krakow to the salt mines in Weilczka. Now this sounds like a strange thing to do but it was really cool. The miners over the years carved statues, cathedrals and ballrooms. Everything is completely made of salt rock and most of it is about 400 ft. underground, but still above sea level. We went down some 500 stairs and then up in this tiny lift. I had squeeze into non-existent space when the door opened and then squeeze out so that the other door could be open. The whole experience in the lift was not pleasant for me. The one nice thing about the trip underground was that it was 60 degrees and about 90 degrees above ground.
My friend Lee and I went and got dinner together at this place called Bar Vega. It was vegeatrain (Lee is a vegetarian) and it was really good. We both had this spinach pasta bake and beet root cream cold soup. We walked through the market after that and I got these really cool earrings for Kelly and Ellen. They are amber which is really big here because it washes up on the Baltic Sea shore.
Sunday we went to Wawel castle from the 14th century. It was really neat. Kazimierz the Great is buried inside of the cathedral there. After lunch we went on a tour of Krakow by way of golf cart. It wasn't a very informative tour and kind of scary because we were some pretty busy roads. When we got back to Warsaw there was this really terrible storm rolling in. I've never seen the sky so black. We got back to the hotel before it really started to hit, thankfully. I was standing in the hallway after we got back talking to some people when the power went out. Lee and me grabbed each other and ran to find a flashlight. Thankfully it only stayed off for like 15-20 minutes.

I'll post more pictures very soon.

1 comment:

Mom said...

It's great to "read" about your trips after hearing you tell us about them...can't wait to see more pictures
